Vectortuts+ loves Illustration and discovering new talent, so today we are proud to be launching a new community project that combines both, the Vectortuts+ Matryoshka Doll Project. The best thing is, you can be a part of it! Find out how to get involved, at the jump.
I’m excited to announce that today we’re launching the Vectortuts+ Matryoshka Doll Project! This project aims to spark your imagination and showcase the work of our extremely talented community. Fire up your imagination and let’s get started!
All you need to do for this project is download the design template and customize the Vectortuts+ Character in any style and theme that takes your fancy. Add your work to the Vectortuts+ Facebook Group and show us what you think a custom Vectortuts+ character would look like. We will showcase a selection of the entries on our blog.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Would you like to participate in the Vectortuts+ Matryoshka Doll Project? It’s easy, all you need to do is Download the Template, join the Vectortuts+ Facebook Group and get creative!
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