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Sunday, 8 July 2012

Bad Breath Disease - Causes and Solutions of Bad Breath

There exist several people who suffer bad breath problem and this undoubtedly disturbs their daily activities. Normally, those people suffer most that have close contacts with terrible breathers. This is due to unpleasant and offensive bad breath disease with lead to traumatic depression after wards. The patients, victim of this disease, are cut off from society and they undergo marital discords.

If you analyze then it would reveal to you that Millions of Bacteria like Actinomycs, Fusobacterium exist in oral cavity that afterward decays protein leading to bad breath disease. Due to these bacteria, unpleasant gases like methyl Mescaptan, hydrogen Sulphide, Skatol, Cadaverin are produced that cause bad breath. You can keep them under control by tongue cleaning, regular brushing and gargling. But, what to do if you still suffer bad breath problem after too much care? There are several other reasons that should be detected and dealt properly.

There are numerous reasons and some of them are illustrated below:

1) Oral Hygiene:

If you are not cleaning your mouth properly then it is surely going to be the home for millions of bacteria that cause problem by producing unpleasant gases from food proteins stacked in cavities. It is strongly advised that you should always take care of brushing and cleaning of your mouth regularly. You should always give a mouth wash after every meal.

2.) Food Routine:

The very reason that causes the bad breath is rich protein food. As protein fibers get suck in your cavity and bacteria starts the decaying process, this is why obnoxious and bad breath is emitted from mouth. Rich protein foods like meat, milk products, fish, cakes, eggs, pear and nuts cause this problem.

3.) Biofilm:

A thin sticky coating on oral mucosa and tongue is known as Biofilm. The bad breath is normally considered to be associated with such kind of thick coatings. An anaerobic situation can be made favorable for bacterial propagation that after-wards causes bad smell in breath.

4.) Dental Caries

This is a serious disease as is known as a destructive progression, with this your calcium and calcium enamel is destructed in such a way that it creates cavities in tooth and this happens due to Lactobacilli. Whenever you eat and don't wash your mouth the protein fibers form your food gets stuck cavities that after wards cannot be removed with brushing. Caries are found especially in school going children. If you start the utilization of vitamin and calcium you can make you tooth secure from dental caries.

5) Gingivitis:

Gums are tissues that hold the tooth with jaws. Gingivitis is a kind of inflammation of gums. Due several reasons, gum tissues are infected and give discharge of pus. It further paces towards bones so it is better to curb it as soon as possible. Gingivitis cause bad, unpleasant smell from mouth which then leads to severe bad breath.

6) Plaques and tartar:

Plaques and tartar is deposited mainly in the gaps between the teeth and gum. This will provide shelter for the food debris and bacteria causing bad breath.

Tartar and plaques are accumulated between teeth and gum gaps. They help to storage of food fibers for bacteria and cause this problem.


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