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Sunday, 8 July 2012

How to Paint With Gouache - Tips For The New User

If you've ever wondered how to paint with gouache, this brief guide gives you an idea of what you've been missing. First off, you should know how to pronounce it. In the United States, it's pronounced gwash, to rhyme with wash. In the United Kingdom, it's goo ash. What's surprising about it is that it isn't more widely known about and used.

Once you've tried it, it's hard to rein in your enthusiasm. The fact is, it's very forgiving. If you make a mistake, all you need to do is wash it out with a wet sponge and do it again and no-one's any the wiser. If you make a mistake with transparent watercolor, you either live with it, make a mess fixing it, or throw it away (recommended). What makes gouache so "fixable" is that it's opaque. One or two coats will cover up whatever is underneath.

Since it's so easy to use, that makes it suitable for beginners, including youngsters, who usually see it in the form of solid blocks of poster paint. That's not to say it's not a high quality medium. It's often sold as "Designer's Gouache", being ideal for design and illustration professionals. Straight from the tube, mixed with water to a creamy consistency, it gives a nice, even, matt finish. Artists have also used it, through the ages, sometimes just for white highlights on watercolor paintings, when it's known as "body color".

A good way to start with this paint is either to get hold of an introductory set of about ten colors, or choose your own range (your palette) and buy the tubes individually. You'll also need brushes and paper as a minimum. Don't go for anything less than top quality materials from the start. If your brushes don't perform well, you could give up because you couldn't get things right, not realizing that it's not your fault. Good brushes really are a joy to use.

As to technique, getting started is very easy. Simply squeeze some paint from a tube onto a palette (you can buy these very cheaply), and mix it with water in one of the little mixing sections, until it's about the thickness of cream. Next, draw a few geometric shapes on your paper and color them in. Once you get the feel for it, try mixing two colors in various proportions and fill in some random abstract shapes this time. You're on your way to becoming an artist.

By now, you'll know whether you want to develop your painting skills further. If you do, then think about setting up a studio where you can leave your work in progress, safe from the cats or the kids. This is the exciting part, because you'll want to learn more about what you can do with gouache. Whether you want to paint landscapes, portraits, animals, or anything else, there'll be a place for gouache, which, by its nature, gives an overall delicate paleness. This can make for charming works of art, quite unlike any other media.

Gouache is well suited to indoor or outdoor painting. On the one hand, you can go off on sketching days, where you draw and photograph reference items for your studio work. On the other hand, you can simply load up the car and take your studio with you into the city or the countryside and paint to your heart's content.

Now you have an idea of how to paint with gouache, if it sounds appealing, then don't put off starting. Get some materials and get cracking. Remember what's been said here about its ease of use, its professional quality and its versatility. If you've never painted in your life, then this is the ideal way to get started.

If you'd like to know more about painting with gouache, go to my Art and Personal Development Ideas website.


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