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Friday, 13 July 2012

5 Secret Ways To Make A Girl Want You

Do you ever wish to walk down the street and have girls ogling over just to catch your attention?

I bet you do.

You want to make a girl want you. Most guys secretly harbor the same wish. But you snap back from your reverie and brush off your wish away.

I'm just a plain-looking, next-door type of guy, "you tell yourself.

There is no way that girls would coo over me. Geesh, that's impossible! Maybe if I'm George Cloney, or Christopher Reeve. Or if I somehow could at least resemble Brad Pitt. But just being me? No way!

But wait. What if we tell you that you can make your wish a reality--that you can make a girl want you?

"Aw shucks, man," you interrupt. "I don't believe it."

Ok. I perfectly understand your skepticism. I was once skeptical about it, too. And I know how you feel.

Let me illustrate a point.

In this illustration, I will discuss about airplane. An airplane can fly because of two crucial factors. One its wings' round leading edge at front that abruptly tapers off to sharp trailing edge. This design gives the lift. Two it is more than 63, 300 pounds of engine trust. Combined, these aerodynamic designs make a plane fly.

And it works.

This is the same smart design found in birds and in nearly all flying insects. No rocket science in that.

Now, I want you to imagine a Jumbo 747. Rip away its wings. Take apart its robust engine. Do you think it can fly?

"It can't," you reply. "It does not take a physicist to figure that out."

You're right. In fact, physicists and engineers agree with you. There is no way a giant 747 can fly without the wings and its powerful engine.

But it can. It does fly.

"You must be nuts," you exclaim.

Nope. This is precisely the case of a bumblebee. To begin with, the bumble has a heavy and bulky body. It has no tapered wings. And to top it all, it has no engine thrusts.

According to scientists, engineers, and every smart brain out there who understand flight, the bumble COULD NOT FLY. IT SHOUD NOT FLY. It's just impossible!

But the bumblebee does not care what these smart-ass scientists think. It doesn't give a damn. It defies the science of aerodynamics and just flies.

"So what does this got to do with me?" you ask.

A lot actually,

It is strikingly similar to your secret wish, remember?

You believe that to make a girl want you, you have to be handsome. You need to have the looks of a celebrity. You need to have lots of money. You need to be tall, perfectly tanned, etc...

And according to you, there is no way you can make girls want an ordinary-looking guy like you, right?


Right now, several ordinary-looking guys like you are in the arms of pretty gorgeous girls. And to think these guys have no money, got no good looks like George Cloney or Brad Pitt. And they are not even remotely popular.

They only got one thing.

These guys knew the secrets to make girls want them


Now, you're talking. You are now interested on how to make girls want you. You are now dying to know the secrets on how to make girls want an ordinary, plain-looking, next-door type of a guy, like you.

And we happily oblige.

Without much further ado, here are the best-kept secrets on how to make a girl want you:


In a random survey conducted on all women-from college girls to sexy models to pretty celebrities-they were asked what is the topmost quality that attract them to men.

And their answer is the same: a guy's self esteem. Not money. Not looks. Not popularity.

Just a dose of self esteem. These girls are highly attracted to men who show self-confidence.

Develop confidence and you will surely make a girl want you. It's as simple as that.


The fastest way to drive girls away from you like a speeding race car zip-zagging at 350mph is to show them DISRESPECT.

Treat them in a condescending way and you're assured of their contempt.

But treat them nice. Treat them well.

Be sensitive to the feelings and you will become like magnet to them. You draw and attract them the same way honey draws and attract ants. This is one effective secret to make a girl want you.


It's a fact.

Men are not good talkers by nature.

We rather act and do things, rather than talk. But women are different. Women loves to talk. And if you want to make a girl want you, you have to learn how to engage her in an interesting conversation.

It's similar to catching fish with worm bait.

In this case, the fish is the girl and the bait is interesting conversation. Put out an interesting conversation and you can make a girl want you.


In plain words, this means you should be in touch with the current events. You should be familiar with the evening news.

In addition, you should know who made it to Ophra's Show last night. Or the latest Armani fur suit.

You should also know what's hot in female perfume, and that what made the main star dump her boyfriend in TV series "Friends". These things make a girl want you.


Now, now, now .Do not cringe.

I know. Most men are sloppy dressers.

We are not really keen on how we look with clothes. But if you want to make a girl want you, be a smart dresser.

You see, women are visual creatures when it comes to how men dress. They're a stickler to it. Remember that survey we talk about a while ago about what things attract women?

Here's one for you.

They confessed that they are attracted to men who are smart dressers. By smart dressers, they mean that guys wear clothes fit, color-coordinated, and visually appealing.

This means that what you wear SHOULD NOT HAVE loose hanging buttons, no holes, and no ketchup stains on sleeves. If you pay particular attention to how you dress, you will definitely make a girl want you.


Do you want to triple your confidence, become naturally charming, and instantly meet and date more women in a month than most men date in a year? Then get your free special report How To Meet More Women In Just 21 Days here:


Oliver Turner is the author of "Daytime Pick-Up Revealed s- Every Man's Guide To Meeting Women In Everyday Locations", and has helped thousands of men, from all walks of life, meet more women, get more dates, get girlfriends, basically giving them the ultimate power and choice with women and dating.


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