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Sunday 27 May 2012

Get Them To Brush: A Guide For Parents

Some kids are better than others and take to brushing and flossing immediately, while some kids see taking care of their teeth as another fear chore. Help the kids in your life see the importance of dental health with these creative tips and tricks.

Teach your kids about their teeth

For kids who don't like to brush, simply handing them a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste is not going to cut it, you must do more. You can do more by teaching them all about their teeth. Help kids see the different types of teeth that are in their mouths. By explaining that each tooth has different shape, different job, and therefore a different location. There are four types of teeth: incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, and molars. Use the following information to help explain the teeth and their jobs:

1. Incisors: Located in the front of the mouth (four up top and four on the bottom), the eight incisors have chisel-shaped crowns that cut food.

2. Cuspids: Located next to each incisor, the four cuspids have pointed edges to tear food.

3. Bicuspids: Loacted next to the cuspids, these four pairs of teeth crush and tear food.

4. Molars: The 12 molars come in sets of three at the back of the mouth. The wide surfaces of these teeth grind food.

Read books about dental health

In addition to teach your kids about the teeth and their jobs you should read with your kids. It is easier for young kids to grasp dental health if they see the it illustrated in a book. From the time your children are infants, you should be incorporating books about oral hygiene, teeth brushing, and flossing. There are even books about visiting the dentist. Incorporate these in to their regular reading. This also can decrease your child's anxiety and fear about the dentist. Ask your librarian to help you located dentist books. They might even be able to order some for you!

The American Dental Association, ADA, is a good resource for parents to find books that help explain dental health to your kids. Read "Visit the Dentist with Marty" at and let your kids play a game that teaches kids about healthy snacks called, "Let's Raid The Kitchen!" on the hygienist's portion of the ADA website.

Do an experiment

There are several websites available to parents that give step-by-step instructions and guided experiments that can make learning about dental health and oral hygiene more fun. Check out for information created by dentists for your younger children. Content ranges from sugar bugs to bad breath and everything in between.

Written by: Kristen M. Vice from

Gateway Dental is a dentistry in Sacramento, California that specializes in oral sedation dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. Our one-doctor facility promotes preventative care and is passionate about providing children in-need with good dentistry. Friend us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and read our blog. We provide exclusive online content and also deliver a quarterly newsletter.

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