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Monday, 21 May 2012

Online Term Life Insurance Quotes in Less Time than it Takes to Brush Your Teeth

Online term life insurance quotes have played a dramatic role in driving down the cost of term life insurance rates. Why is this? Term life rates have decreased substantially due to the increased price transparency of the Internet, the highly competitive nature of the insurance industry, and the convenience of the online quoting process. All of these three factors have helped many Americans to find very affordable term life quotes online.

Price Transparency of the Internet

10-20 years ago shopping for term life insurance could be a gigantic hassle. When you consider that an appointment would need to be scheduled, illustrations would need to be prepared, and a sales presentation endured all simply to see some concrete numbers. (And that is not even taking into consideration the fact that it was next to impossible to compare more than two different companies side by side). Now with the price transparency of the Internet rates have dropped quite a bit as insurance shoppers can now just compare online price quotes in less time that it takes to brush your teeth.

Highly Competitive Nature of the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry is extremely competitive, especially in the area of term life insurance. With the exception of Return of Premium (ROP) term and a few other term insurance variations there is not really a whole lot of difference in one term life insurance policy versus another. Yes, you want to choose an insurance company that is rated an "A" or higher by AM Best for their financial strength and yes, you want a big company that you can trust but once those criteria are satisfied then term life insurance is a very commoditized product. This ability to compare "like to like" and "apples to apples" puts tremendous downward pressure on insurance companies to maintain competitive term life insurance rates.

Convenience of the Online Quoting Process

No appointment is necessary. No traveling is necessary. No sales presentation is necessary. No requirement to request information during standard 9-5 business hours is necessary. All of these positives are reasons why the online life insurance quoting process is fast becoming a preferred avenue for many Americans. You can now request life insurance quotes from multiple insurance companies and view some solid numbers from the comfort of your own home or office 24/7 - all in less time than it takes to brush your teeth!

Compare online life insurance quotes from the top life insurance companies that offer life insurance in your state at Life Insurance 360.

Take a few moments to view some solid price quotes so that you can find the most affordable life insurance coverage to protect your loved ones or leave a legacy. Save money and time shopping for life insurance by viewing free life insurance quotes now!


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